Form Documents

Commonly Requested Forms

Dean of students request form

Students can use this form for the following requests:

  • Residency Extensions, students requesting to stay at NPS greater than seven (7) days after their scheduled graduation date.
  • Curriculum Changes
  • PRD Changes, students requesting to change their PRD dates due to:
    • Medical Extension
    • Pregnancy/Maternity Extension
    • Parental Leave
    • TDSI Participation
    • Graduating Early
  • Graduating in Absentia, students requesting to miss graduation.
  • JPME Opt-Out, students requesting to opt-out of JPME classes.


Thesis Extension form

Any student who fails to complete their thesis/report by the due date must submit a Thesis Extension Form (TEF) prior to their thesis completion date. The TEF should be submitted in Python (VPN Access Required) via the Thesis Dashboard.

Notify your Service Rep if you submit an extension request. NPS will not approve Extensions of Tour to complete theses. Incomplete thesis may be reflected on one's evaluation.


Returning VA Student form

This form is used for continuing/returning VA students.

No-Cost Temporary Duty

The No-Cost TDY request is used to request no cost orders for house hunting or other work related travel, of which the cost is covered by the service member.   Upon Student Services' approval, a Miss Muster request must be submitted to cover the TDY/TAD period.  All cost TDY/TAD (government funded travel) request are handled in the Defense Travel System (DTS).  All questions regarding funded TDY/TAD orders should be directed to the Travel Office.

Statement of Service

Standard Statement of Service (template) - This letter is used to provide proof of military service to a requesting agency.  Complete all bolded fields on the form, then deliver to Student Services for verification and endorsing signature either in person or via email (

Detailed Statement of Service (template) - Fill in highlighted sections, if required by the recipient; DELETE data elements NOT needed; protect your PII by sending via encrypted email to, directly to a POC in Student Services via DOD SAFE (, or dropping off in person.

Check Out Form

Check Out Form - Student form used to formally check-out of the Naval Postgraduate School.

Office of the Registrar Forms

Registrar Forms - All Office of the Registrar Forms can found here.

  • Academic Certificate Enrollment Request Form
  • Course Drop/Withdrawal Request Form
  • Directed Study Form
  • Incomplete Course Extension Form
  • Master's Candidacy Restoral Form
  • Pass/Fail Grading Request Form
  • Staff/Employee Registration Form
  • Thesis Extension Form