
Monterey Bay Academy Airfield (COA)


The Monterey Bay Academy (MBA) Airfield test site is located 3.7 miles SW of the Watsonville airport. FAA Identifier of this grass runway is CA66. This facility provides an opportunity to collaborate with NRL and several Silicon Valley companies. NPS possesses 2023-WSA-11995-USN-DoD-AAA waiver for this test site. UAS operations are limited to 400ft above the ground.

  1. NPS conducts monthly day-long trainings at MBA Airfield (on the last Friday of each month), and all inquiries should be made through NPS UAS Ops with "MBA Testing" in the subject line.
  2. To operate at MBA Airfield the DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet is required (see example).
  3. Email the request for approval of Flight Schedule form to NPS UAS Ops with "MBA Approval Request" in the subject line, at least three business days before the scheduled event (see example).
  4. Driving directions to MBA Airfield can be found here.


Oleg Yakimenko Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor
NPS Director of UAS Research Activities
(831) 656-2826 |


NPS UAS Ops Executive Board


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