Emerging Technology Awareness for the Warfighter (ETA) - Center for Executive Education
Emerging Technology Awareness for the Warfighter (ETA)
Course date:
Learning format:
ETA: Emerging Technology Awareness for the Warfighter
The Course
Watching the current conflict in Ukraine and Gaza, it is obvious that technology is an inherent aspect for both defense and warfare, and technology can often be a game changer when it comes to who wins and who loses. It is critical then for leaders to understand not only the technologies they are responsible for employing but those tangential that may impact the outcome of any engagement.
The ETAW course is intended to help mid-career and senior leaders better understand emerging and newer technologies, and how the force will operate and how they will lead as these technologies take a more important role in everything from day- to-day activities to operational missions.
By the end of the course, participants will have a better understanding of these emerging technologies, how they currently support and affect Naval missions, and what Naval leaders can expect the impacts to be in the near future.
Understand the current landscape and impact of emerging technologies along with how they will change both the jobs we do and the future of the force.
Identify the geopolitical use, issues & dispersion of emerging technologies.
Identify the potential military applications of different emerging technologies.
Understand different ethical & responsible applications of new and emerging technologies.
Learn to recognize future technology trends.
Program Manager
Alan Webber Alan Webber is a technological researcher focusing on digital Darwinism and the impact of technological disruption on businesses, government, and society who sold his first piece of software at the ripe age of 16 in 1983, Alan Webber is currently an instructor on technology trends and impacts for the Navy Senior Leaders Seminar and the program manager and an instructor in the new Leading in a Cognitive Age program on artificial intelligence at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). Read full bio...
The Faculty
Academic experts from the faculty at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School are joined by senior executives from across DoD and Industry to provide participants with a range of perspectives through which course objective are addressed.
The Location
ETA is offered in person at the Center for Executive Education on the campus of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California or in designated Fleet concentration locations. If at NPS, lodging is available on-base at the Hotel Del Monte (formerly the Navy Gateway Inns & Suites) in historic Herrmann Hall.
Who Should Attend?
ETA is designed for US Navy civilian GS-14, GS-15, and SES, enlisted ranks E-8 and E-9, and officer ranks O-4 through O-6.
Contact the NPS Center for Executive Education's Registrar:
cee@nps.edu, 831-656-3850 for registration information
Ready to Enroll?
Contact the NPS Center for Executive Education's Registrar:
email: cee@nps.edu
phone: 831-656-3850
Can't make this date? The course is offered again:
- August 5, 2025 to August 7, 2025 at NPS, Monterey, CA